Wednesday Addam’s Take-over


Black is the new magenta.

The problem: How to raise awareness about T-Mobile Tuesday’s “Get a $4 movie ticket to see the new Addam’s Family movie” offer.

Solution: An instagram story “takeover” Q&A session with Wednesday Addam’s instagram profile.

My contribution: I was there for it all. Brainstormed, concepted, presented and carried out writing the pre-populated questions and answers and then live answers in the Wednesday Addam’s voice.

Data: The takeover helped generate 145K visits to our T-Mobile Tuesdays page (+86% Q3 avg) and increased app engagement leading to our 4th highest participation ever (3.58M). There were nearly 4.5M Claims, over 200K resurrected users, and 56K new users into the T-Mobile Tuesdays program program.